Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You Are the Music in Me

We went to see High School Musical 3! Of course, it was on opening night, and yes, we did dress up! Are we Disney nerds or what?!

We went out to dinner first. We didn't like what was on the menu, so we decided to eat each other instead. (, not really)

Kjersti came with us too!!

We're showing our enthusiasm for the show! We loved the movie, so we went and found this poster to pose in front of after the watching the movie. We're jumping too!

Finally, to top it all off, we went to buy the HSM3 soundtrack on our way home. And did you notice Ben's 'wildcats' t-shirt? Yes, it's official - we are HSM nerds! But really, did you expect anything less?


John and Tawnya Hoover said...

That is hi-larious!!!! I love it.

Ben P. said...

I especially loved all the middle school kids looking at us while we were taking the pictures like we were batty. You know if we'd been in Orlando people would have been joining in the fun!

Andrew Hill said...

Kristi and I haven't been to see it yet. HOWEVER... we did have a High School Musical weekend and watched the first two movies over again, you know, just to get ready.

Nicole and Preston said...

OMG!!!! i just saw it tonight!!!!! It was AMAZING!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!
Miss you!

Nathan Winder said...

"Stump, stump, stump do the rump
And strut your stuff..."

-Sharpay from HSM 1. OMGTWTW!!

secret password to prove I am a human: "ovends" ..I find that very ovendsive.

Nathan Winder said...

this next secret word is good too... "egangsz"

"Egangsz! Wassa meesa sayin'"

-Jar Jar Binks

Nathan Winder said...

Oh man! Sorry, but this next one is just too good to leave it be: "unated"

u-nat-ed- adjective, When two or more people named "Nate" get together to work towards a common goal.

"Mr. Winder and Mr. Buckner were unated in their efforts to cartwheel across the Hunter High stage."

Ben P. said...

I thought perhaps "unated" means that you left something unconsummed...

"I was too full of grits so I left my pancakes unated."

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

Okay, WOW! You really have found your dream lady! Congrats. And yes, Orlando was full of HSM3 nerds out on high alert that night. Can't wait for you guys to come join in the fun!

Harper said...

I, too, love the soundtrack to HSM3. :)